March 2007: My main purpose in visiting El Salvador was to surf amazing un-crowded waves.  I was also curious to learn about because it had a reputation for gang violence-MS-13 and a recent dark past from decades of civil war that killed thousands that peaked in the 80s. I ended up surfing some of the biggest waves of my life double overhead at times and meeting a local El Salvadorian family that took me in and let me stay with them in their beach house and home in San Salvador while also showing me a little around the country.



My path

This was my 5 day trip itinerary:

Day 1

Arrive El Salvador Airport, Taxi to La Libertad and El Zonte, Surf Playa El Sunzal, Hotel Sunzal

Day 2

Surf El Zonte, Hotel El Zonte

Day 3

Surf El Zonte, Stay with Salvadoran friends in San Salvador

Day 4

Hike to Los Tercios Waterfall, Surf El Zonte, Hotel El Zonte

Day 5

Depart El Salvador to Houston


El Zonte Beach

Some of the waves on one of the smaller days. Sadly since I surfed alone, I have no photos of myself surfing. 


Village celebration

Village celebration

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

Los Tercios Wateralls Hike

El Salvador was one of those trips where I came to a country solo but left with a newfound family and sense of a belonging and familiarity to a country that only a few days before was completely new and foreign to me.


15 + 15 =