November 2018: As part of a larger North Africa trip, my friend Richard and I visited Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula. The Sinai is technically in Asia, even though it is part of Egypt, which is in North Africa. The Sinai is a vast mountainous desert where the Bible says was the location where Moses led the Jews while being pursued by the Egyptian army. Further inland on top of Mount Sinai, is the location where many believed Moses received the Ten Commandments from God.  Due to the incredible reefs, wilderness and biblical significance I wanted to visit Sinai. I had been to Egypt multiple times but never the Sinai Peninsula, so I decide to set aside a couple of days on this trip to camp on the shores of the Red Sea in Ras Mahamad National Park. We stayed in tents on a beach directly adjacent to some of the most stunning, clear coral fringed waters of the Red Sea. The campsite was run by local Beduin, traditional nomads of the Sinai Desert.

Ras Mahamad is a start mountainous desert with no development or vegetation that meets the rich turquoise green waters of the Red Sea that contrary to the desert above are brimming with life and coral reefs.

After a quick flight from Cairo to Sharm El Sheikh, I organized an airport pick-up to take us to the campsite in Ras Mahamad. We each had our own tent, and all meals were included.

Since the camp is located on a military base, there is a strict curfew and Egyptian military do check all documents for each visitor at the end of the day.

I spent each waking moment snorkeling the incredibly vibrant reefs, which were in great shape with a large diversity of marine life. Then I walked the shoreline, visiting the bunkers and defense tunnels dug by the Egyptian army during the war against Israel in the 70’s.


Where is Sinai

Location of Ras Mahamad National park at the bottom of Sinai Peninsula

Campsite at Ras Mahamad National Park at the bottom of Sinai Peninsula

Campsite at Ras Mahamad National Park at the bottom of Sinai Peninsula

 Mountains of Sinai Peninsula

 Ras Mahamad National Park Sunset

Ras Mahamad National Park  


Military tunnels dug by Egyptian military during war against Israel 

Reefs of Ras Mahamad National  Park

Reefs of Ras Mahamad National  Park

Reefs of Ras Mahamad National  Park

Reefs of Ras Mahamad National  Park

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